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Mentoring Program

If you feel you had enough training (or it’s just not the right time for the next one yet) but you could still use a bit of individual support, mentoring might be what you looking for.

The one to one mentoring endeavour might be about practice, advise, empowerment, feedback, thinking partnership. A one time encounter or a more long-term process – multi-session package focused on a specific goal, project or theme, or consumed on on-call bases with each session diving
into any current challenge, goal or concern.

Four papers with questions about using art in facilitation, in different colours.

It could be about:

  • boosting your confidence in your facilitARTion skills

  • helping you contract and design a specific facilitation engagement

  • helping you choose the best tool and method to serve the purposes your design serves

  • giving you feedback on a process that you have designed

  • practicing specific skills in focus of your choice (setting the context, holding the space for emergence, personal style, values and beliefs...)

  • explore any theme on your plate in empowering thinking partnership, guided by senior experience that has walked the path before



One Session (90 min)

445,00 EUR + VAT


Three Sessions

1,185,00 EUR + VAT

(to be used over 3 months)


Ten Sessions

3.450,00 EUR + VAT

(to be used over a one year period)

Service includes:​​

  • 90 min mentoring session - live or online

  • up to 3 on-call short 10min laser consultations between sessions

  • 60 min support work per mentoring session (reading your process outline, writing feedback, developing support tools and materials)

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