Art and Play as doors to strategic insight
Why facilitARTion?
Art and play are powerful catalyst for breakthrough ideas and meaningful insights. They can activate potential, ignite creativity and fuel one’s commitment in shaping the world anew.
As any tool – they can be used effectively. Or not.
What is our level of Mastery in using Art and Play in facilitation? How do we know?
My 20+ years of experience as a facilitator, and a participant, seem to show that far too often Art and Play are seen primarily as tools for ice-breaking and relationship / team building. Less likely as tools to foster strategy development and business decision making.
Numerous research and case-studies prove that fun and play are the spaces where creative insight is most likely to spark. Yet, organisations seem to collectively nurture a set of limiting beliefs around where play does, or does not, belong into our working ways. Why?
Are we as facilitators failing in demonstrating the value of tools of play?
What does it really take, what knowledge, practice or skill, to translate creative insight to business insights? Creative expression to business decision?
FacilitARTion is a craft.
Craft is about bringing something to existence with skill. It requires knowledge, tools and commitment to practice, until it becomes art.
Let’s take this time to explore together:
How good are we in using Art and Play as our tools?
The word facilitARTion is coined by Tihomir Cirkvenčić, friend and colleague – engineer, business executive, leadership trainer, facilitator, painter, photographer, … master of many things human - after a co-facilitated business planning workshop where we worked with colour and paint as tools to foster team reflection.
Here is a link to what we believe is the first ever mention of facilitaARTion as a term, and a nice introduction to this exploration of creative expression as a door to strategic insight.